Author Archives: Chadi Irani

4 Important Questions to Ask Your Criminal Lawyer

Prominent lawyers Burwood

Being arrested can be a terrifying experience. Just because charges are filed, doesn’t mean that you are guilty. You have the right to defend yourself. This is why you should get the assistance of an experienced criminal lawyer who can take care of things for you. It is important that you discuss with your criminal […]

How to Find the Best Solicitor in Sydney?

criminal lawyers blacktown

Finally, you have decided to get help from a lawyer. Trust us; you won’t regret it. But, how to find one? Well, you’re on the right page. In this blog, you’ll find all the information about choosing the best solicitor in Sydney. How do I find good lawyers near me? Get Reference Could there be […]

Charged With a Crime? Here’s How a Criminal Defence Lawyer Can Help You

Criminal Defence Lawyer Sydney

When you are arrested and charged with a criminal offence, the criminal justice system will work against you in all possible ways to obtain a criminal conviction. Prison period, crime charges, and hefty fines are some of the serious penalties that can be overwhelming to deal with. You’ll need the assistance of criminal lawyers from […]

Significance of Remaining Silent When Charged With a Criminal Offence

Criminal lawyer Australia

Do you know remaining silent is one of your fundamental legal rights when charged with a criminal offence and arrested? Yes! Although most people are aware of these rights, many don’t remain silent. Of course, it’s human nature to defend oneself. In fact, many can’t resist explaining themselves when confronted by police. We, lawyers for […]

Can an unvaccinated person be charged with trespass?

In NSW, “freedom day” is 11 October 2021, which ironically will see unvaccinated adults have fewer freedoms than those who are vaccinated and business owners have greater responsibilities under the new Public Health orders. If you are a business owner, you are required to take reasonable steps to ensure that an unvaccinated adult is not […]

How a Criminal Record Can Impact Your Life

Criminal lawyers NSW

After all, we are humans, and we tend to make mistakes, don’t we? That said, some mistakes can end up in legal troubles, especially when we commit a crime. A criminal record is an offence against the state laws, which means breaking the law. Being charged with a criminal record can result in a criminal […]

Best Lawyers in Sydney React to Right to Silence Reforms


One of the fundamental rights of a person who is suspected of being involved in a certain crime is the right to silence. Popularly known to people as the right to remain silent, everyone has the right to stay silent or not answer questions asked by the police or any interviewer in an informal setting. […]

NSW Law Reform Commission Introduces Changes in Affirmative Consent Laws

NSW Law Reform Commission

Image by Inactive_account_ID_249 from Pixabay The New South Wales Law Reform Commission (LRC) has stirred the public once again with the reforms in the state’s sexual consent laws. Among the reforms that NSW residents expect is the introduction of affirmative consent in the sexual assault laws. Changes to the law were triggered by the sexual assault case filed […]

The Right to Protest in NSW

The freedom to be heard and communicate your political views through a peaceful protest is implied by the Australian Constitution and the common law right to a peaceful assembly, which can be traced back to the Magna Carta. These two pathways give way for our citizens to legally protest in our society. However, there is […]

Police Power to Stop, Ask Questions and Search You to Determine Compliance with Restrictions

Once again things are changing rapidly, and the new “tougher” restrictions are causing more confusion than ever. What is more concerning, is that Police will be responding in greater force and their presence will be ramped up even more, especially in the Canterbury Bankstown, Liverpool and Fairfield Local Government Areas. Can Police stop, ask questions […]