An important deciding factor in many sexual assault cases is whether both parties consented to the activity. While you may understand logically what consent is, you may not know all the ways in which it can be applied under the law. Here are the most important basics for understanding the laws of consent in NSW. […]
In Part 1 we explored the basic definitions of sexual assault as understood in our community. Part 2 will cover classifications of sexual assault under the law. We will look at how sexual assault is defined under the law, the importance of consent, and the five main sexual assault offences. Defining sexual assault under the […]
With Australia’s music festival season in full swing, drugs and illegal substances are coming into focus once again. Whether you partake in illegal substances only once to let off steam or you’re involved regularly with them; the penalties for possession, supply and use of drugs are steep. Here’s a brief overview of the drug offences […]
With the festive season upon us, the police presence on our roads is set to increase. By 2020, the NSW Centre for Road Safety expects up to 200,000 roadside tests will be undertaken each year[1]. In this blog, we’ll cover the mobile drug testing (MDT) procedures including; what happens during a test, what happens if […]
Sexual assault is a broad term which can be used to describe many different types of unwanted or abusive sexual encounters. It is important to understand that this term is not only for severe actions such as rape and can be applied to many other situations. Part 1 of this topic is designed to cover […]