Despite the popularity of many drugs in movies and TV shows, there are many which are considered harmful and therefore – illegal. If you are caught with illicit drugs in NSW, what happens next? Here is a basic overview of the current drug laws. Illegal drugs and drug offences in NSW Not all drugs are […]
As the holiday season approaches, many of us will be out enjoying festivities and having a drink or two. We all understand that drink driving is dangerous, but we are also all capable of mistakes. To help you understand the legal side of drink driving in NSW, we’ve answered the common questions – such as […]
Sexual assault law is a complex area within NSW, and it requires an experienced lawyer to provide detailed advice on any individual case. There are, however, some common themes that come up with non-legal experts. Here are 4 common myths around sexual assault which are not true. Myth 1: Many sexual assault claims are false […]
In recent years, a growing set of studies have suggested that cannabis (colloquially marijuana) may have medicinal benefits. Research is ongoing and there is still much to learn about long-term side effects however, the Therapeutic Goods Association (TGA) have tentatively accepted medicinal cannabis in Australia. Here’s the important details to know around medicinal cannabis and […]
A sexual assault allegation is very serious matter, so why would a person make a false one? In this blog, we explore how common false sexual assault claims are and why they may be overreported. We’ll also look at why it’s important to recognise when a claim is false, and what consequences a person may […]
The District Court of NSW have been using virtual and electronic proceedings since the beginning of lockdown in March. As a traditionally in-person and paper-heavy industry, this represented a major step forward for the law and digital services. In this article, we’ll explain how the courts will adapt for health and safety since recommencing in […]
Drug use in NSW is an ongoing political issue, but how does it affect you when it comes to the law? In our previous blog, we explored the different types of drug offences in NSW – including common illicit drugs and offences you may be charged with. For this blog, we’ll examine what makes a […]
Every profession has had to change how they operate during COVID-19, including the law. The District Court of NSW have implemented a range of safety measures and innovations to ensure the legal industry can continue to practice. Here are the current changes to be aware of. Juries returning from 15 June 2020 To comply with […]
Domestic violence is often talked about in our society and on the news – but what does it look like in a legal sense? Here is a basic overview of how domestic violence and assault in relationships are categorised by the law. What is domestic violence? Domestic violence in NSW law is classified as an […]
To All our Valued Clients, We are here to help you through this difficulty time. We are open as usual, contactable 24/7 on 1800 100 529 and will continue to provide best service and legal representation during this difficult time. We are adhering to strict health and safety measures and have implemented risk management initiatives […]