Here’s Why Preserving Evidence Is So Important in Criminal Cases

criminal lawyers in Sydney

Evidence plays an integral role in the justice system and can be the deciding factor between someone receiving jail time or being set free. In order to protect your clients’ freedom, it’s crucial to preserve evidence in any case where it would be useful in court. Here are some reasons explained by the top criminal lawyers in Sydney as to why you should keep evidence for your case.

Preserving Evidence – An Overview:

The concept of preserving evidence sounds simple enough, but it’s actually quite complex. According to Sydney criminal law specialists, preserving evidence in a criminal trial generally means not tampering with or altering any potential pieces of evidence. This can include photos and videos, eyewitness accounts and police reports. The most important thing to understand about preserving criminal-trial evidence is that there are varying levels of restrictions on what constitutes tampering or altering it.

To Establish Credibility:

A defendant must enter their court case with enough credibility behind him or her. In other words, a defendant who has not preserved all relevant physical evidence may be seen as one who is trying to hide something. Because of their crucial role in criminal cases, it is absolutely vital that defendants preserve any relevant physical evidence from their alleged crime scene. Don’t destroy what could be an important piece of evidence.

To Exonerate a Defendant:

It is common for criminal lawyers in Sydney to attempt to exonerate their clients by finding evidence of their innocence. Suppose a DNA sample, video footage, or any other piece of physical evidence was not preserved after its discovery, it might not be possible for an attorney to prove that his client didn’t commit a crime. Remember, though: if you find some relevant evidence, don’t handle it yourself. Bring it directly and immediately to a law enforcement officer.

To Use in Future Legal Proceedings:

In certain legal proceedings, there may be strict rules about what types of evidence are acceptable and how they should be preserved. For example, when filing for a protective order, many jurisdictions require that physical abuse be documented with medical records and photographs. Furthermore, if it turns out that no such documentation is available during a later criminal proceeding (for example, if it was lost or destroyed), then things can become more challenging than expected.

You never know what you’re going to need when it comes to your criminal case. Always try to keep all of the evidence in your possession from the moment you first call the police until the verdict comes down on your trial. Contact a criminal barrister in Sydney if you have been falsely accused of a crime and have strong evidence to prove your innocence.