Speed Camera Warning Signs – removed for safety or revenue raising?

Speeding in NSW is a prominent traffic charge that the NSW government is attempting to reduce on our roads. In late 2020, the government decided to remove the warning signs for mobile speed cameras and place hidden cameras, however by doing that, it has generated over 1500% more fines. That’s over $6,000,000 in March 2021 alone.

For low-range speeding offences, such as exceeding the speed limit by less than 10km/h, the figures show that over 70,000 fines were issues in the first three months in 2021 compared to 4184 fines in the first three months of 2020.

What are the penalties for speeding in NSW?

The NSW Road Rules 2014 govern the penalties for speeding, in particular rule 20. The penalty in most speeding ticket offences include fines and demerit points. Some examples of common speeding offences for class A motor vehicles (cars and motorcycles)  are detailed below:

Exceed speed 10 km/h and under (other than a learner or provisional licence) $121 1
Exceed speed over 10 km/h (other than a learner or provisional licence) $280 3
Exceed speed over 10 km/h (learner or provisional licence) $280 4
Exceed speed over 20 km/h $481 4
Exceed speed over 30 km/h $920 5
Exceed speed over 45 km/h $2,482 6


Can you Contest your speeding charge in court?

You can elect (choose) to take your speeding fine to court to have a Magistrate exercise leniency by dismissing the fine completely. That can happen even after you plead guilty. If you believe you are not guilty of the offence, you can also seek to have a hearing on the evidence and contest the fine. This is how you can take the fine to court:

  1. Visit the Revenue NSW myPenalty page and complete the court election process.
  2. A court attendance notice is then sent to you by post or email.
  3. Once you have received the court attendance notice, you must attend court to have the mater decided.

Why elect to go to court:

> Explain your story to the Magistrate.
> Have the penalty notice completely dismissed.
> Stop the suspension of your driver’s licence.
> Avoid demerit points
> Reduce the amount of the fine.
> You did not commit the traffic offence.

Visit our traffic law page (click here) for read our latest blog (click here) for more information about going to court for a traffic fine.

You can also use our online service to contest (or appeal) the speeding fine and represent yourself in the best way to get leniency from a Magistrate. 

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