Courts We Attend

Our experienced team of Criminal and Traffic Lawyers will defend you in all Local Children’s, District and Supreme Courts in NSW. Contact us before your court date and arrange for one of our lawyers to defend you!

The Local Court

In NSW, most criminal cases first enter the court system through the Local Court and are determined by a Magistrate. The Local Court deals with the majority of criminal charges, traffic charges and summary prosecutions in NSW. Our highly experienced lawyers will appear on your behalf in the following type of matters in the Local Court and achieve the best outcome for you:

  • All Criminal Law charges
  • All Traffic Law charges
  • Bail Applications or Bail Variations
  • Plea of not guilty defended hearings
  • Plea of guilty sentence hearings
  • Driver’s licence suspension appeals
  • Quashing of Habitual Offenders Declaration
  • Committal hearings for strictly indictable charges (serious criminal charges)
  • Breach of Bonds / Call-Ups
  • Section 4 Annulment applications
  • Section 32 hearings pursuant to the Mental Health (Forensic Provisions) Act 1990
  • Apprehended Violence Orders (contested hearing)
  • Defended hearings against the confiscation of assets by the Prosecution
  • Cost applications against the Prosecution
  • Mentions
  • Agent appearance on behalf of other lawyers

Click here to check the location of Local Court in NSW.

The District Court

The District Court is an intermediate Court in NSW. Serious criminal charges, also known as Strictly Indictable charges are dealt with by the District Court, except for murder and treason which must be dealt with by the Supreme Court (see below).

The trial process in the District Court involves a Judge, Jury of 12 people from our community, Crown Prosecutor and Barrister for the accused. Each side has an instructing Solicitor who assists with the running of the case.

Some examples of Strictly Indictable charges, which are dealt with in the District Court are:

  • Armed Robbery
  • Offences against the person such as Wounding or Inflicting Grievous Bodily Harm
  • Dangerous Driving cause death
  • Supply, Manufacture or Cultivate Prohibited Drugs
  • Sexual Assault
  • Firearms Offences

The above are some, but not a complete list of charges the District Court deals with. Contact us now to get advice on your particular case.

Our highly experienced lawyers will appear on your behalf in the following type of matters in the District Court and achieve the best outcome for you:

  • Bail Applications / Variations
  • Jury Trials after plea of not guilty on Indictment
  • Sentence hearings
  • Mentions
  • Disputed facts hearing
  • Appeal against the Magistrates decision on Sentence from the Local Court (Severity Appeal)
  • Appeal against the Magistrates decision on a finding of guilt from the Local Court (Conviction Appeal)
  • Appeal against the Magistrates decision on a finding of guilt and the sentence penalty from the Local Court (All Grounds Appeal)
  • Appeal against refusal of Section 4 Annulment application
  • Appeal against the refusal of Section 32 application pursuant to the Mental Health (Forensic Provisions) Act on appeal
  • Leniency Appeal by the Crown against your Local Court Sentence
  • Defended hearings against the confiscation of assets by the Prosecution
  • Cost applications against the Prosecution
  • Agent appearance on behalf of another lawyer

The Children’s Court

The Children’s Court deals with criminal charges where the accused (Young Person) is less than 18 years of age at the time of the alleged offence.

The Children’s Court also deals with traffic offences where the Accused Young Person is not old enough to hold a driver’s licence.

All other traffic offences alleged to have been committed by a person under the age of 18 years are dealt with in the Local Court.

Our highly experienced team of lawyers will appear in the following type of matters in the Children’s Court and achieve the best outcome for you:

  • Bail Applications
  • Defended hearing after plea of not guilty
  • Sentence hearing after a plea of guilty
  • Apprehended Violence Orders (contested hearing)
  • Children’s Serious Indictable Offences and Committal hearings – to determine whether or not the charges are to be committed to the District and Supreme Courts. These charges are usually prosecuted by the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions (ODPP).

Legal Aid may be Available for Your Matter

If you are eligible to receive Legal Aid funding, Powerhouse Law Australia can appear and defend you through Legal Aid in the Local Court.

Click here for more information on the Legal Aid Service.

Want to Appeal Court’s Decision?

If you are not happy with the decision of the Judge/Magistrate, such as the penalty imposed at sentence or the finding of guilt after the hearing, then contact us and we may appeal against that decision.

Contact us now or click here for more information about appealing the decision.

Can I pay my fees in instalments?

Yes, our lawyers will accept payment plans and allow you to pay legal fees in instalments.

To help our clients, we offer payment plans that allow payments to be split into regular instalments. This allows you to access professional legal advice without worrying about the cost. Speak to our lawyers for more information.